Combining the world-class expertise of the Schools of Business & Management, Engineering, and Science, RMBI provides a curriculum which caters the market needs with an emphasis on quantitative techniques and business knowledge, to enable high-powered students to reach the frontiers of risk management and business intelligence.
Curriculum Features
Interdisciplinary Courses
Risk management and business intelligence require a strong analytical mind as well as numerical and computing skills. The RMBI program nurtures students with all three elements. The RMBI program interdisciplinary approach builds and synthesizes statistical, mathematical, financial, and information system know-how to develop professional skills and solve risk management problems.
Company-sponsored Capstone Projects
Students undertake capstone projects that strengthen their ability to apply knowledge from different areas in real-world situations. Through working with managers on real business problems, students gain experience in project management and establish future business links.
Business Case Studies
The experiences of global leaders and business cases involving multi-dimensional problems serve as ideal materials for problem-solving, critical thinking and analytical skills trainings and which can be applied in areas ranging from finance, management, consultancy and IT etc.
Focus on Communication and Presentation skills
Presentation and public-speaking are integral parts of a high-flying career. RMBI students have wide range of opportunities to enhancing language proficiency and business communication abilities through the learning experience.
Flexible Elective Structure
Students are free to select elective courses that suit their own individual interest and broaden their outlook.
Courses Offered in the RMBI Curriculum
- RMBI 1010 Risk Management in Modern Society
- RMBI 1020 Business Intelligence in Contemporary Society
- RMBI 2001 Academic and Professional Development in Risk Management and Business Intelligence
- RMBI 3110 Introduction to Risk Management and Business Intelligence
- RMBI 4980 Risk Management and Business Intelligence Capstone Project I
- RMBI 4990 Risk Management and Business Intelligence Capstone Project II
- ACCT 2010 Principles of Accounting I
- ECON 2103 Principles of Microeconomics / ECON 2113 Microeconomics
- FINA 2303 Financial Management
- FINA 3103 Intermediate Investments
- FINA 3203 Derivative Securities
- FINA 4103 Financial Markets Trading and Structure
- IEDA 4420 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Optimization
- ISOM 2700 Operations Management
- LABU 2051 Business Case Analyses I
- LABU 2052 Business Case Analyses II
- MGMT 2010 Business Ethics and the Individual
- MGMT 2130 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
- IEDA 4510 Systems Risk Management
- ISOM 3540 Introduction to Probability Models
- ISOM 3710 Business Modeling and Optimization
- ISOM 4520 Statistics for Financial Risk Management
- ISOM 4540 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- MATH 1012 Calculus IA / MATH 1013 Calculus IB / MATH 1023 Honors Calculus I
- MATH 1014 Calculus II / MATH 1024 Honors Calculus II
- MATH 1020 Accelerated Calculus
- MATH 2011 Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 2111 Matrix Algebra and Applications / MATH 2121 Linear Algebra
- MATH 2411 Applied Statistics
- MATH 4427 Loss Models and their Applications
- MATH 4428 Bayesian Analysis and Credibility Theory
- MATH 4511 Quantitative Methods for Fixed Income Derivatives
- MATH 4512 Fundamentals of Mathematical Finance
- MATH 4514 Financial Economics in Actuarial Science
- RMBI 4220 Life Contingencies Models and Insurance Risk
- COMP 1021 Introduction to Computer Science / COMP 1022P Introduction to Computing Java
- COMP 2012 Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures
- COMP 3311 Database Management Systems
- COMP 4221 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- COMP 4321 Search Engines for Web and Enterprise Data
- COMP 4331 Data Mining / ISOM 3360 Data Mining for Business Analytics
- COMP 4462 Data Visualization
- COMP 4641 Social Information Network Analysis and Engineering
- COMP 4651 Cloud Computing and Big Data Systems / ISOM 3370 Big Data Technologies
- ISOM 2010 Introduction to Information Systems
- ISOM 3260 Database Design and Administration
- ISOM 3900 Decision Analytics
- ISOM 4720 Simulation in Business and Management
- ISOM 4830 Analytics for Services Operations
- RMBI 4310 Advanced Data Mining for Risk Management and Business Intelligence / COMP 4332 Big Data Mining and Management