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RMBI Alumnus' Innovation being showcased in the HKTDC Entrepreneur Day 2019
Chan Kai Ho Hercules, a RMBI graduate of Class of 2017, his innovation has been featured in the HKTDC Entrepreneur Day 2019. Hercules developed the mental health app “VOID” with his partner, Harry CHAN in 2015, to help users to release stress, improve sleeping quality and concentration by easy games and audio instructions of regulating breathing.
"VOID" combines the knowledge from hypnotherapy, mindfulness, meditation with technology on mobile apps and smart wearables. Through design of various mini-games and meditation audio programs, it helps people getting through their everyday stress. "VOID" has around 16,000 users and the third version is about to be launched.
Hercules pointed out the limitation of today's psychological service and mental health care in Hong Kong, "a lot of patients are not able to receive on-time therapy due to long queue and high cost nowadays" He said. The development of "VOID" is expected to relieve user's psychological pressure and he hopes that this innovation could bring positive impacts to Hong Kong citizens.
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